Hello Festi

Festi is not just a framework; it's a whole ecosystem. For many years, we've been developing this project in the B2B segment, and now we're taking it to the next level. This article belongs to the "Hello World" category and is intended to demonstrate how the Festi Framework works. At the moment, Festi Framework is not open source, but we are working to provide public access to it. For now, you can contact us, and we will give you access to the repositories.


  1. Make sure Composer is installed on your server. If it's not, please install it.
  2. Create a project folder and navigate to it.
  3. Run the command composer init and answer the questions to create your project. For this example, I used the name festi-demo.
  4. Replace your composer.json with the following:

   "name": "your_company/project_name",
   "description": "Description",
   "repositories": [
         "type": "composer",
         "url": "https://packages.festi.io/"
   "require": {
      "festi-team/festi-framework-core": "dev-master",
      "festi-team/festi-framework-database": "dev-master",
      "festi-team/festi-framework-theme": "dev-master",
      "festi-team/festi-framework-cli": "dev-master",
      "festi-team/festi-framework-di": "dev-master",
      "php": ">=8.0"
   "minimum-stability": "dev",
   "autoload": {
      "psr-4": {
         "": "src"
   "autoload-dev": {
      "psr-4": {
         "": [
   "require-dev": {
      "phpunit/phpunit": "9.*",
      "phpunit/php-code-coverage": "9.*",
      "phan/phan": "4.x",
      "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "3.*"
  1. Run the command composer install.
  2. Create a database if you haven't already.
  3. Now, use the ./vendor/bin/festi-install tool to install the project.

Festi Install Tool

./vendor/bin/festi-install was created to make the developer's life easier.

When you run the tool, the first question will be: "Which installation option do you want?". You can choose one of several options:

Type Description
dashboard Option when you need to create an admin panel or dashboard with ACL support.
site Website or portal
api RESTful API
async Asynchronous service for IoT, Game, Data Streaming, etc.

Choose the option you need; for this example, we'll choose dashboard. Next, you'll need to provide database access, and generally, all the following installation steps should not cause any problems. Each installation type also comes with demo content to structure the project right after installation.

You can pass all installation steps through command-line parameters, which can be especially useful for automating processes and quickly deploying projects. For example:

Option Description
--db_username The database username.
--docker Set to y to install with generated Docker files.
--force Used to force the installation of the framework.
--install_path Path to the folder where you want to install the project.
--install_type This option determines the type of installation to perform.
--db_host The hostname of the database server.
--db_username The username to use when connecting to the database.
--db_password The password to use when connecting to the database.
--db_name The name of the database to use.
--db_type The type of database to use, such as MySQL or PostgreSQL.
--db_port The port number to use when connecting to the database.
--timezone The timezone to use for the PHP installation.
--is_install_demo Set to y to install basic settings and routing for login/registration.
--site_host The hostname of the site.
--dashboard_base_http The base URL of the dashboard.
--scm_host The hostname of the SCM repository.
--verbose A boolean value indicating whether or not to enable verbose output during installation.
--docker_php_version The version of PHP to use when installing with Docker.
--docker_server The server to use when installing with Docker.
--docker_swoole_version The version of Swoole to use when installing with Docker.
--docker_service_host The service host for the async type of project when installing with Docker.
--docker_service_port The service port for the async type of project when installing with Docker.

Festi Install Tool supports project installation on MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server.

After installation, configure the server to point to the src/dashboard/ folder as the project's root.

It's often convenient to use symbolic links (symlinks), especially if you're using control panels like CentOS Panel, Plesk, etc. For example: ln -s festi-demo/src/dashboard/ public_html.

You should see an authentication form:

Login Form

For proper operation, make sure that your php.ini file has the following settings:

open_short_tag = Off

Creating the First Plugin

Let's create a section for managing company expenses together. To do this, we need to create a new plugin called Expenses using the ./vendor/bin/festi-plugin utility:

cd src/dashboard/

During creation, you need to provide the following parameters:

What do you want to create? [create, url, dgs]: create
Enter Plugin Name: [required]: Expenses

Now, let's take a look at the structure of the plugin:

ls -l plugins/Expenses/


  • ExpensesObject.php - This is a class that implements DataAccessObject for working with data in the database.
  • ExpensesPlugin.php - This is a class that describes the business logic of the plugin and serves as a facade.
  • init.php - This file is called at runtime for each request to the server.
  • tblDefs - This is a folder for schemas that describe DataGridStore.
  • templates - This is a folder for templates.

Creating the First DGS (DataGridStore)

DGS (DataGridStore) is a special component for displaying data in the form of a table. To describe a DGS, we need to define a schema in one of the available formats: JSON, XML, or an array. We can create a schema using the utility ./vendor/bin/festi-dgs or ./vendor/bin/festi-plugin. Let's create a schema for displaying expenses using the ./vendor/bin/festi-plugin utility:

  1. First, let's create an expenses table in the database:

CREATE TABLE `expenses` (
   `id` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
   `cdate` date NOT NULL,
   `id_user` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
   `amount` int(11) NOT NULL,
   `note` text NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_general_ci;

ALTER TABLE `expenses`
ADD KEY `id_user` (`id_user`);

ALTER TABLE `expenses`

ALTER TABLE `expenses`
ADD CONSTRAINT `expenses_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`id_user`) REFERENCES `users` (`id`) ON UPDATE CASCADE;
  1. Next, run the ./vendor/bin/festi-plugin utility and select the dgs option:

What do you want to create? [create, url, dgs]: dgs
Enter Table Name: [required]: expenses
Enter Plugin Name: [required]: Expenses
Enter RegExp URL expression (ex: ~^/company/([0-9]+)/reports/$~): [required]: ~^/expenses/$~

After creating the DGS, the utility will generate routing rules and a method that will be called when navigating to /expenses/.

class ExpensesPlugin extends DisplayPlugin
     * @urlRule ~^/expenses/$~
     * @section none
     * @area backend
     * @userType user
    public function onDisplayExpenses(Response &$response)
        $store = $this->createStoreInstance("expenses");


        return true;
    } // end onDisplayExpenses

Now, let's open the page /expenses/:

Expenses DGS

We have automatically created a DGS based on the table created in the database. Now, let's take a look at how the schema looks (/plugins/Expenses/tblDefs/expenses.xml):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<table charset="UTF-8"
        <field type="readonly"
               caption="<?php echo __('Id'); ?>"
               filter="text" />

        <field type="datetime"
               caption="<?php echo __('Cdate'); ?>"
               filter="text" />

        <field type="foreignKey"
               caption="<?php echo __('Id User'); ?>"
               filter="select" />

        <field type="number"
               caption="<?php echo __('Amount'); ?>"
               filter="text" />

        <field type="text"
               caption="<?php echo __('Note'); ?>"
               filter="text" />
        <action type="list"
                caption="<?php echo __('Expenses'); ?>" />
        <action type="insert"
                caption="<?php echo __('Add'); ?>" />
        <action type="edit"
                caption="<?php echo __('Edit'); ?>" />
        <action type="info"
                caption="<?php echo __('Info'); ?>" />
        <action type="remove"
                caption="<?php echo __('Delete'); ?>" />

In general, the rules for describing a schema are quite simple. For more details, you can read the documentation. Let's go through the key points:

  • table - the root element that describes a table, which can represent not only a database table but also an aggregated representation, for example, an API of some service.
  • fields - describes the fields of the table that will be displayed in the table.
  • actions - describes the actions that can be performed on records.
  • field - describes a table field.
  • action - describes an action.

You can create your own fields and actions, and you can also describe a large number of additional attributes. DGS has a wide range of events that allow you to add any business logic and modify any element.

Let's make some changes to the DGS schema to make it more organized:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<table charset="UTF-8"
        <field type="readonly"
            caption="<?php echo __('ID'); ?>"
            filter="text" />

        <field type="datetime"
            caption="<?php echo __('Create Date'); ?>"
            filter="text" />

        <field type="foreignKey"
            caption="<?php echo __('User'); ?>"
            filter="text" />

        <field type="price"
            caption="<?php echo __('Amount'); ?>" />

        <field type="textarea"
            caption="<?php echo __('Note'); ?>" />

        <value field="cdate"><?php echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); ?></value>

        <action type="list"
            caption="<?php echo __('Expenses'); ?>" />
        <action type="insert"
            caption="<?php echo __('Add'); ?>" />
        <action type="edit"
            caption="<?php echo __('Edit'); ?>" />
        <action type="remove"
            caption="<?php echo __('Delete'); ?>" />

In this section, we've made the following changes:

  • We've improved the appearance of the fields for a more organized look.
  • We've added the externalValues field to set default values for the cdate field.

Now, our add-record form looks like this:

Expenses DGS Add Form

When adding a new record, the creation date is automatically filled in:

Expenses DGS with Automatic Date

We've created a section for managing company expenses. In future articles, we'll explore more possibilities of DGS and the framework.